Judy Whitmyre

410 East Canyon Run Blvd, Ketchum


Artist Bio

My name is Judy Whitmyre and I have lived in Ketchum since 1988, moving here from Los Gatos, California. I currently split my time between Ketchum and La Quinta, California. I have studios in both locations.

People often ask when I became an artist. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t an artist. Art has always been at the center of my life. As a child, I was never bored because I always had a “project” I was working on. As an adult I can’t imagine my life without art.

I graduated from San Jose State University with a BA in art and spent the next 13 years teaching in Campbell, California. After leaving the teaching profession I was able to devote full time to art.

I am an internationally recognized contemporary quilter and an accomplished gardener. My Idaho gardens have been featured in Sunset Magazine. I also, in recent years, started making assemblage sculptures.

My paintings are created using acrylic paints with a texture medium. My love of texture is evident in my painting and is a natural extension of the years I spent working with fabrics and fibers.

Living in Idaho, I am constantly inspired by the natural landscape.

Over the years I have been represented by many galleries in the western United States.

Artist Statement

I would describe my paintings as contemporary Idaho landscapes.